30 October 2023 Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc (“Unicorn” or the “Company”) Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc (LSE:UMR), a mineral exploration and development company based in Ireland exploring for Zinc, Lead, Copper and Silver with its main focus at present being the “Limerick basin” in Ireland, announces that, following his resignation, Richard O’Shea, the previous CEO and director,…
27 September 2023 Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc (“Unicorn” or the “Company”) Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc (LSE:UMR), a mineral exploration and development company based in Ireland and exploring for zinc, lead, copper and silver, is pleased to announce the results of the exploration drilling programme conducted in the summer of 2023 on its flagship project “Kilmallock…
20 September 2023 TR-1: Standard form for notification of major holdings NOTIFICATION OF MAJOR HOLDINGS (to be sent to the relevant issuer and to the FCA in Microsoft Word format if possible) i 1a. Identity of the issuer or the underlying issuer of existing shares to which voting rights are attached ii: Unicorn Mineral Resources plc 1b. Please indicate if…
Director Resignation – Richard O’Shea
19 September 2023 Unicorn Mineral Resources plc (“Unicorn” or the “Company”) Unicorn Mineral Resources (LSE: UMR) announces that Richard O’Shea has resigned as CEO and as a director of the Company with immediate effect. The Board would like to thank Richard for his contribution in establishing the Company and obtaining the listing on the London Stock…
Result of Annual General Meeting
19 September 2023 Unicorn Mineral Resources plc (“Unicorn” or the “Company”) Unicorn Mineral Resources (LSE: UMR) announces that at the General Meeting held at 12:00 p.m. today, all the resolutions were passed unanimously on a show of hands. 2,826,667 votes were cast by proxy, all in favour. This announcement contains information which, prior to its disclosure, was…
AGM Statement
2023/09/19 Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc (“Unicorn” or the “Company”) Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc (LSE:UMR), a mineral exploration and development company based in Ireland exploring for Zinc, Lead, Copper and Silver with its main focus at present being the “Limerick Basin” in Ireland, will make the following statement at its Annual General Meeting later today. “As the…
ShareHolder Information
Annual and Interim Reports Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc – unaudited Interim Financial Statement 2024 Unicorn Minerals Resources PLC Financial Statements 2024 Unicorn Mineral Resources Plc – unaudited Interim Financial Statement 2023 Unicorn-Mineral-Resources-PLC-Financial-Statements 2023 Unicorn Mineral Resources- Unaudited Interim Financial Statements 2022 Unicorn Mineral Resources IFRS Accounts 31-03-2022 Unicorn Statutory Financial Statements 31-03-2021 Unicorn Statutory Financial…
Commencement of drilling
4/05/23 — Unicorn is to commence an exploration drilling programme on its Kilmallock Property in the week commencing 8 May 2023. Figure 1: Kilmallock Historic Drilling Results and Proposed 2023 Drilling Targets Unicorn’s first phase drilling programme at Kilmallock is designed to follow up on historic high-grade zinc, lead, copper and silver mineralisation discovered at Kilmallock….
Limerick Basin
Investor Presentation September 2022 Opportunity to invest in New Emerging Zinc Province in Ireland: “The Limerick Basin” Unicorn Mineral Resources Investors Presentation September 2022
Regulatory News & Alerts
Investegate: Unicorn Mineral Res. (UMR) Alerts list Investegate |Unicorn Mineral Res. Announcements | Unicorn Mineral Res.: Total Voting Rights Investegate announcements from Unicorn Mineral Res., Total Voting Rights 27/10/2022 —- Unicorn Mineral Resources Admitted toTrading on the London Stock Exchange 27th October 2022.Unicorn Admission Announcement 27th October 2022, PDF